Sunday 10 January 2010

Union of Arseholes and Freaks

I know Cameroon and his Tories have joined the list of supporters for our brave heroes in the UAF (Union of Arseholes and Freaks), but we all know its OUR money that funds their heroic struggle. They are our comrades and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
So its good to see that they haven't been idle (like our local councillors) and have been bravely making anonymous death threats to the fascist woman who set up a Facebook protest against something or other (HERE). I don't know if it was the arseholes or freaks wot done it, but hey, they are all our comrades and deserve our support.
I often wish that Comrade Jude wasn't such a useless tool and would speak out in favour of the UAF, after all its their violence and intimidation of our opponents that is keeping them at bay. And thats not fascist at all, oh no.

Best wishes comrades, Keir x