Monday 11 January 2010

Comrade Harriett shafts Geoff

D'ya know? Some days you see something that really warms your heart (well, maybe not in my case as I've been dead for 95 years, but you know what I mean). Having stood shoulder to shoulder with the suffragettes all those years ago, its good to see the fruits of your labours (Labours? geddit? lol) come home to roost.
Today we saw Comrade Harriet smugly taking her place as one of the key election players, ahhh..... But what made it even better was that she got there by shafting Comrade Hoon and blackmailing Comrade Brown!
Two Twats Twatted in one go, you might say! lol
Some of my local comrades say she has a penchant for paedophiles, and whats more they say it in a disparaging manner. But I say theres lots of them in my Party, so why pick on her?

Best wishes comrades, Keir x