Monday 18 January 2010

Backstabbing and Conniving - Perfect for my Party

See if you can keep up with current events........
Comrade Hoon stabbed Comrade Brown in the back but conniving Comrade Harriet scored two bulls eyes by knifing Comrade Hoon and Comrade Brown in one go. Comrade Hoon will tomorrow stab both Comrade Blair and Comrade Brown at the war crime tribunal as he tries to shift blame for his own incompetence, whilst neighbouring Ashfield comrades will have a go at stabbing Comrade Hoon and getting him de-selected. And news just reaches me that local Amber Valley comrades killed off Labour chances in the Brinsley by-election by telling supporters to vote Tory - just to keep the 'orrible oiks BNP out!
Phew, and they say politics isn't fun lol.
This is so much better than in my day when we all were fighting for a noble cause and not just self aggrandizement. I say we have a lot to be thankful for since the Marxists took over!

Best wishes comrades, Keir x