Wednesday 13 January 2010


Many of our supporters and comrades are deserting My Party to join up with those ‘orrible oiks at the BNP. But we won’t go down the pan without a fight, comrades. That is why we are launching our Communist Recruitment Activist Programme or CRAP.
Lots of our local branches are suffering just like us so they too have started CRAPPING themselves.
So, what is CRAP? Basically CRAP sums up everything about us. Nowadays local activists have only one job, spreading lies about the BNP. Simple eh?
Our CRAP drive is aimed at getting simple folk to do a simple job. Do you enjoy talking crap, suffer from verbal diarrhoea aka our glorious local leader Comrade Paul Jones, and can you chuck a few leaflets through doors? Then you are more than qualified. And if you have the courage to make anonymous death threats, so much the better! Our comrades in the trade unions will even supply the phones! Oh and don't forget, most importantly, YOU CANT HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR!
Remember, the future of this country is at stake. If the BNP get in all our efforts to destroy it and turn it into a communist state will be lost.

He who laughs last - thinks slowest
Best wishes comrades, Keir x